9.9.2021 - 20.11.2021
Bita Razavi: The Dog Days Will Be Over Soon
6 / 4 €
Bita Razavi’s solo exhibition at Vintti explores artificial intelligence, human thinking and physical and digital experiences. We live in a time where artificial intelligence challenges human thinking and decision making – even creativity. Algorithms might know more about us than we know about ourselves. Many seem concerned about advancements in technology and imagine a Terminator-like doomsday scenario. This exhibition however paints an alternative picture, taking on a more sentimental perspective.
Razavi’s work focuses on liminal states between physical and digital experiences, between artificial and natural spaces. A series of photographs that resembles classical landscape paintings in gilded frames. They are, however, screenshots from video games – beautiful computer generated scenery. A video work explores the same imagery, taking on an impressionist approach towards the ephemeral nature of light and its effect on colors. In doing so, Razavi records the same footage over and over again under different light and weather conditions, all within the environment of computer games. In a series of sculptures with discarded game electronics and plants, on the other hand, they suggests yet another relationship between organic and digital.
Bita Razavi, photo by David Kozma
Bita Razavi (b. 1983, Tehran) is visual artist that lives and works between Helsinki and countryside Estonia. The artist’s practice is centered around observations and reflections on variety of everyday stiautions and is highly influences by where they are based at the time. Razavi’s works have been exhibited at Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki Design Museum, Cité International des Arts, Paris and Fotografisk Center, to name a few. Razavi will represent Estonia in the 59th Venice Biennale together with Kristina Norman.
Picture on right: Bita Razavi: Still from Far cry 5, 2019