Art Activities for Children and Adults
Itikka, 2. krs.
MUU Summer Wednesdays: July 17, July 24 and July 31
From 11 am to 7 pm
Fun art activities inspired by the exhibitions on display. For children and adults.
Draw a hybrid from the model! Examine prototypes and trial versions of hybrid creatures the artist Jacob Juhl produced for the exhibition Imagine a Tree. Itikka art workshop space, 2nd floor.
Complete the image: Draw and color the missing part of the picture. Get inspired by the exhibition Those Who Kept the Light by Nastja Säde Rönkkö. Itikka art workshop space, 2nd floor.
Find creatures from the imaginary forest while exploring the exhibition Imagine a Tree, 3rd floor. Get help from picture clues. Ask for the picture clues from the Kalevan Navetta service desk, 1st floor. Or find the clues in Itikka, art workshop space, 2nd floor.
Image: Krista Luoma. Hybrids in the Imagine a Tree installation.