
Summer artist Henri Airo examines the statue of Entrepreneur Jussi in his art project

The city of Seinäjoki’s Summer Artist has started his artistic work!

During the summer (8th of July to 7th of September 2024), Henri Airo works on an art project that traces the history of the Yrittäjä-Jussi (Entrepreneur Jussi) statue (Matti Peltokangas and Aarne Hakala-Rahko, 1984) in Seinäjoki. It examines the different meanings that residents have attached to the statue at different times. The performative project consists of archival research, participatory workshops and a public event which will take place at the statue. The project draws attention to the iconic landmark on its 40th anniversary. Airo studies which human traits are worthy canonising. It invites people to reflect on the meanings of statues, celebration, and remembrance now and in the future.

“During the first week, I have delved into the history of the statue of Entrepreneur-Jussi. Seinäjoki City Archives and the City Library’s newspaper collection, where the material I have collected has given me a surprising perspective on the starting process of the Entrepreneur Statue project in 1983-1985,” Airo describes. “I will continue my research by collecting stories, pictures and thoughts from the citizens related to the statue.

What ennobles a person?

In the coming weeks, the summer artist will conduct an open survey of the city’s residents near the statue of Entrepreneur Jussi in Seinäjoki’s Central Square. The summer artist will use a form to collect answers to the question from passers-by: What ennobles a person? People of all ages can answer the questionnaire either by writing or drawing.

“In the archival documents, I discovered that the motto on the Entrepreneur-Jussi plaque, ‘Work ennobles a person” had originally been a personal motto of Reino Saarinen, a business councillor, whose idea the statue was in the beginning with.  I would like to hear the city’s own thoughts on what makes a human being valuable. You can also come and talk to me and share stories about Entrepreneur-Jussi.  I’m more than happy to listen to any memories of the statue over the years, or even look at the photos!

Summer Artist at the Central Square

The Summer Artist will be present at Seinäjoki Central Square on weekdays Wed 17.7 – Wed 24.7 from 10-15. He is easily recognisable by his green attention vest.

Summer Artist’s Statue Committee

After the survey, the Summer Artist assembles his own light-hearted committee, which, based on the suggestions of its members, will jointly design an alternative new identity for Jussi. The temporary identity will be unveiled at an event on the statue during the Night of Phenomena.

Applications for the statue committee can be made by filling in the application form, which will be published on the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki and Summer Artist channels next Friday 19th of July. The Summer Artist will select six members of the committee based on the applications. The application is open to interested people of all ages. The application period for members of the committee will continue until 9th of August, with the selected members being notified on Monday 12th of August. The committee will meet on 20th of August at afternoon.

The press/media

You can also interview the Summer Artist at the market. To arrange an interview, please contact him directly, tel. +358 443444549. Download press photos: Press photos

Henri Airo

Henri Airo (b. 1996, Helsinki) is an artist interested in human interaction. His research-based projects relate to different social phenomena through photographs and other lens-based mediums, text, and archival material. Alongside a subject matter, Airo’s works make visible the functioning of the mediums that we use to form and maintain social narratives. Airo completed a BA in Photography from LAB Institute of Design and Fine Arts in 2021. Alongside his personal artistic practice, Airo works as an educator and an arts worker in different projects.

Art project on display

At the end of the summer, the summary of the Summer Artist’s project will be presented in the Itikka space of the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki at Kaleva Navetta. The opening will take place on Fri 6.9.2024 at 17-22. At the same time, a new cultural event will be held in the city, the Night of Phenomena, and the opening of the solo exhibition of Swedish artist Tove Kjellmark will be held in Kunsthalle Seinäjoki.  Henri Airo’s art project will also be on display the following day, Sat 7.9. from 11-15. Free admission.

About the Summer Artist

Each summer since 2017, City of Seinäjoki has hired a visual artist or visual art student to work as the Summer Artist. The Summer Artist, “Kesäkuvataiteilija” in Finnish, works for two months with their own independent artistic project. The idea is to create something that is visible to the local community or has participatory elements. The Summer Artist works at the Kunsthalle Seinäjoki and has the resources and support of the team and the Cultural Services of Seinäjoki. The theme of the project is different each year but there is always a strong emphasis on participatory work-methods and public art. 

Follow the project and artist:

The Summer Artist in social media channels: Facebook and Instagram

Summer Artist: https://www.seinajoentaidehalli.fi/en/projects/

Instagram: @kesakuvataiteilija

Website: https://henriairo.com 

More information:

Henri Airo | Summer Artist

henri.airo@seinajoki.fi | tel +358 44 344 4549

Pii Anttila, art producer | Kunsthalle Seinäjoki

pii.anttila@seinajoki.fi | tel. +358 44 425 5823