
Muu-Mau´s Spring Day

Kalevan Navetta


Muu-Mau´s Spring Day is a free cultural event for the whole family at the Art and Culture Center Kalevan Navetta. The event will take place on Saturday 8th of March from 11 am to 3 pm.

Welcome to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Kalevan Navetta. The event includes a children’s birthday disco, workshops and free admission to the exhibitions in Kunsthalle Seinäjoki.


Statuomania and Chained to Light exhibitions, 2nd and 3rd floor

Muu-Mau’s Birthday Disco, Hugo 2nd floor

A Birthday Card Workshop, Itikka 2nd floor

Craft Workshop: Crowning Ceremony, Kässä 1 and Kässä 2 space 1st floor

Muu-Mau´s Birthday Mystery, Kammio 1st floor. Workshop start at quarter past 11 am, quarter to 12 pm, quarter past 12 pm, quarter past 1 pm, quarter to 2 pm and quarter past 2 pm. Duration about 20 minutes.

Adult and Child Workshop: Muu-Mau Decorations, Kässä 3 ja Kässä 4 space 1st floor (Material fee: 3-3,50 €)

See the full programme here.